There are certain situations when a dealer will ask for a deposit to make sure you're serious about purchasing a vehicle.
Currently dealers do not have much inventory on hand, if any. All dealers are promised a certain percentage on 2023 Tractor/Trailer production.
In order to guarantee that you can purchase one of those elusive New Units, the dealer is asking for a Deposit of $10,000.00 that is NON-Refundable. Many of smaller companies looking to expand in the current market are desperate to purchase new equipment in order to grow or to update their current equipment.
Sometimes dealers will lie just to string you along until they (hopefully) locate a tractor/trailer for you. We all know that there is high demand and low supply, so don't ever leave a deposit unless the dealer can show you the exact vehicle, the anticipated production date, and the VIN number of the unit your are agreeing to purchase.