Redefining the relationship between shippers, receivers, drivers, and documentation
With COVID-19, the threat of business disruption and health risk to drivers and facility staff is creating a new way of getting goods shipped and received.
We are seeing more digital document management.
Interactive and integrated Driver Kiosks.
All these digital changes and human less interactions are the face of the future. Changes are coming that will ushers drivers and facility staff through the entire shipping and receiving process digitally, from arrival to departure.
What the distant future will bring us:
Interactive Driver Kiosks
Self-Service Driver Kiosks
Digitizing Signature
Digitizing Bills of Lading and Packing Lists

Interactive Driver Kiosks :
interactive tablets that will significantly minimize the driver queue. The kiosks will provide real live information on when the driver will be load, the status of the loading, and more accurate in and out times. This will significantly cut down on the overhead of empty hours and detention reimbursements.
2. Self-Service Driver Kiosks :
will aid in the driver check in and provide drivers instructions without physical interaction

3. Digitizing Signature:
capture in the shipping & receiving process flow will ensure a contactless interaction between drivers and facility staff and more accurate document management

4. Digitizing BOLs & Packing Lists :
lead to more accurate and detailed information for the freight being hauled. Flexible digital document management solution to eliminate the need to sign, shuffle, scan, transfer, store, and share critical documents for every load.
